escape to L.A.

Unlike Miley, I did not hop off the plane at LAX with a dream and my cardigan, I got off with an aching headache and disdain for American customs (Homeland Security please don't hurt me.)

Somewhere along the ride to Santa Monica, the stresses of everyday life started to melt away but it was only once I was watching the sun set over a palm tree-lined road from my balcony that I felt at peace.

I swear the sky is bigger in L.A. Wherever you are it feels as if it's engulfing you. It's so expansive. I realised this is because everything is very flat so there's nothing to obstruct your view of the sky like in Toronto or New York. I saw the most spectacular sunsets (I never woke up early enough to see the sunrise) of my life there.

My L.A. soundtrack consisted of all the Californian artists I found on my iTunes, so RL Grime, Shlohmo and the whole WE DID IT crew, HAIM, Lana Del Rey, The Neighbourhood, Young the Giant, Grizzly Bear etc etc etc. They all made for great vibes.

We checked out as much as we could going from West Hollywood to the Grove to shopping in Beverly Hills to getting lost at LACMA to In-N-Out to Venice Beach (I'm not not saying I ogled at boys skating and developed crushes on all the girls I saw skating) to the Santa Monica Pier to the Valley and more things I'm probably forgetting.

I'm a very fast-paced person so going to California was a lesson in laid-back living. Also, everyone is so fit, which was intimidating because I can't do a single pull-up.
Don't think I could ever live in LA, unless Jayne Min decides to adopt me, but I'll definitely be back soon.

Ok lil blurb done now you can do what you really wanted to anyway and look at pictures.

xx kels 


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