EVERY YEAR. Honestly, every single year, I put get fit on my resolutions list....and I give up a day later. But not this year, this year I have a surefire plan that you can follow as well. **Notice how I say get fit and not get thin..... That's important, because there is a colossal difference between the two, which we seem to forget. This post isn't going to help you count those calories or track how many pounds you're losing, this is about being your healthiest self. And I believe your healthiest self is the body you want to show off at the beach anyway.** (OK rant over)
Now I've split this into three parts: Getting Fit, Eating Well and Focusing on your Emotional Well-Being, because with all these things in tandem you'll be your most happy, healthy self. For resolutions to work you can't just change one aspect of your life, your entire outlook needs to shift.
1. Dedication and Determination
You need to map out for yourself what you plan on accomplishing when you start working out, maybe the ultimate goal is running a marathon, maybe it's something smaller like building muscle mass or toning down after a very merry christmas and happy new year full of binge eating and drinking. This can be a list of things, a general idea or maintaing a healthy BMI, whatever it is, write it down and post it somewhere you can see.
I put my little note on the blackboard in my bedroom; it says: YOU WILL RUN THE SPORTING LIFE 10K THIS YEAR! On the days when I'm feeling lazy this will remind me of the ultimate goal I want to reach.
2. Choosing the Right Gym
In the summer I honestly believe it's best to workout outside and to be one with mother nature but we're in the heart of winter atm and in Canada that means we would much rather curl up with some Starbucks and Netflix than venture outdoors. So the next best bet is a gym membership. This is the most critical choice you will make in your journey. Don't choose a gym that you can't afford and drop your membership a month later, or a gym all your friends go to but that's too far from your house, it's all about CONVENIENCE. You really want to ensure you'll actually make it at least 3 times a week to whichever one you choose. Also, if you can afford it, a personal trainer can ensure you don't give up prematurely and can really motivate you.
Here I've compared the prices, locations and general info about several Toronto gyms:
cross fit: location: leslieville near the DVP, prices ranging from $25-750, intense training, v. hard workouts, great results
goodlife: location: everywhere, price per month: $60, wide array of classes and equipment
anytime fitness: location: lawrence park neighbourhood, price per month $35-55 , open 24 hours, all equipment always accessible
miles nadaal jcc: location: the annex, price per month: $77, indoor running track and pool, 75 weekly classes
totum: locations: king west and rosedale, price per month: $95, best trainers in the city, great facilities
goodlife: location: everywhere, price per month: $60, wide array of classes and equipment
anytime fitness: location: lawrence park neighbourhood, price per month $35-55 , open 24 hours, all equipment always accessible
miles nadaal jcc: location: the annex, price per month: $77, indoor running track and pool, 75 weekly classes
totum: locations: king west and rosedale, price per month: $95, best trainers in the city, great facilities
And on the days you are just too busy to make it to the gym, you still need to take 30 min to get some exercise. This is where Youtube channels like blogilates can come in handy. It's run by Cassey Ho, whose workouts are tough but still fun and you can mix and match them however you want.
3. Motivation
Create incentives to help you reach small goals: ex. if I work out everyday this week I'll buy those shoes that I've been lusting after for months, or, if I run 5k without walking I'll treat myself to a spa day
Another way to motivate yourself, besides incentives and great music, is to choose a fitspo. A fitspo, aka fit inspiration, is someone who you look up to in terms of fitness. It could be anyone from the girl who trains beside you at the gym to Beyoncé. just choose someone and let them inspire you.
Of course, you can't just workout and expect everything to change. New eating habits are necessary, no matter how much we love bingeing on junk food.
1. Don't Deprive Yourself, but Cut Back.
Ask any of my friends, I have an insane sweet tooth, candy is my fuel and my kryptonite. So cutting cold turkey is not an option and from what I've found in past attempts, it doesn't work. Basically what I'm saying is don't eat the whole cake, just have a slice, don't eat the entire tub of gelato, just have one bowl. As long as the ratio of healthy food outweighs that of junk food, you are on the right path. Try and work to a point where you only have one sweet a day, and then one a week etc, as far as you want to go.
2. Find Easy Meals to Substitute Fast Food
Look up easy recipes so you're not constantly getting take-out or eating ramen. I cook dinner for my family at least once a week, so I've found that stir-fry is the quickest way to make food and can be super healthy if you don't drown it in oil and fat. Another easy meal to make is pasta with a nice thick meat sauce, simmered over the stove top. Or just head over to Pinterest and let yourself run wild.
3. Modify Your Grocery Choices
Easier said then done, and definitely comes down to budget. For some godforsaken reason the healthy food is always more expensive than the artificial, processed alternatives. If you can't afford whole wheat bread and cereal or the jam-packed with nutrients Kashi bars or a life-time supply of POM juice, start with the basics. BUY FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. When you have an urge for chips, slice a honey crisp apple or when you're tired of rice everyday, stir-fry bak choy and green beans in garlic, olive oil and salt and serve with dinner.
4. Cleanse, Supplement and Rejuvenate
If you want to get really serious, try a juice cleanse. I'm still skeptical about these things but if you don't substitute eating for juice and mix the cleanse with your daily meals, you'll get increased nutrients. Another way to get those extra nutrients is multivitamins, I take several of these, a B12, a BComplex (which is a mix of multiple B vitamins and gives you energy-- say adios to coffee), a Vitamin C and D. You don't need to go crazy though, you can just take a simple one-a-day multi. I'm a little addicted.
1. Manage Stress
Here are several lists that outline steps that can help beat stress:
General stress: http://health.howstuffworks.com/wellness/stress-management/eight-ways-to-beat-stress.htm
Specifically for students: http://www.theguardian.com/education/mortarboard/2013/nov/06/students-ten-ways-to-beat-stress
2. Write in a Journal
(or something like that)
It's so important to articulate your most intense emotions in a way that avoids conflict. Don't attack your best friend when she fucks up, write down exactly how you feel about her, as angry as you are, but then wait and let things mull over before you lash out at her verbally. Start writing your feelings down, your reactions to things, how you see the world. Trust me, it's therapeutic. And potentially the best coping mechanism, and a lot better for your health than alcohol or cigarettes.
You made it to the end! (I know, I know this was a long post, sorry I have a lot to say), now implement all of these things in your daily life and you'll have taken the most important step. .
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