You usually don't make a resolution because someone tells you to or because it's part of your job description, you make resolutions because you generally want to better something about yourself. Maybe we want to be more daring with our fashion or beauty choices, maybe we want to tone down those love handles or maybe we want to save more money; any way you spin it a resolution is a bettering of oneself.
With that said, here are 3 things I'll do in this coming year that will make me an all-around "better person". Naturally, this is very subjective, each person has that thing or those things that we need to work on.
For me, punctuality, relationships and confidence are key issues I need to stop ignoring.
1. how to be a better person by... being punctual.
I definitely know I'm not the only person that suffers from chronic lateness. And I do feel terrible every time my friends wait even 10 min extra for me to arrive (although, it's usually more like 20 to 40 min...). But, somehow I always find myself leaving the house way later than I planned, and I feel like this issue is related to my poor organizational skills. Sometimes I'll leave the house three times before I've remembered everything I need to bring. Other times I'll just wake up when I'm supposed to already be somewhere. What I, and other people like me, need to remember is that being late is RUDE. It's indirectly saying you matter more important than the other person, because you're making them spend their precious time waiting on you.
SO, here are 2 ways of ending this terrible cycle.
If you have plans in the early morning, prepare the night before. And I'm not just talking about putting an outfit together in your mind. Place the clothes on hangers in your bedroom or wherever you get dressed, deal with ironing and stains the night before. put your wallet, metropass, lipstick, cellphone, iPod, books, whatever you need in your bag the night before and leave it at your front door. Set an alarm an hour before you need to wake up so you have an hour grace period of rolling around in your bed. Check bus schedules the moment you wake up. Make a check list if you have to, but the easiest way to be punctual is to be organised.
TRICK YOURSELF. Seriously, make notes in your reminders or phone calendar saying your meeting or class or whatever is an hour before it actually is and you'll get their on time, if not with at least five minutes to spare. Trust me, this works.
this wikihow article is also very helpful.
2. how to be a better person by... being a better friend/sister/daughter.

Lots of cheesy quotes but they capture what I'm trying to say about being a true, involved friend.
3. how to be a better person by... being more confident.
If there's one department I've always lacked in, it's confidence. I'm the first to judge or doubt my own abilities and assume everyone around me is highly more capable. This pits me against myself from the get-go. I realize how unhealthy this is for my emotional health but didn't realize the professional repercussions this could have until I started uni. There have been great writing opportunities I have simply not applied for because I assumed I wasn't qualified enough, only later to find out another first-year got the position.
Confidence will definitely be the issue I struggle with the most, but there are little ways I can make the progression easier.
1. Wearing what I want to wear (and just ignoring the stares I get). In high school I felt I could never dress the way I wanted to because my outfits of chiffon shirts and leather leggings were already perceived as too dressy in comparison to the unofficial school uniform of sweatpants and leggings. Now that I'm at Ryerson, I wear whatever I want. Spiked beanies with oversized sheer blue-green plaid oxford shirts, faux-fur vests, thick silver chain necklaces, leather leggings and heeled ankle boots? YES, please. Every day.
2. Forcing myself into uncomfortable situations. I went on the New York Trip, not knowing anyone, and came back with three new awesome friends and (bonus!) got to chill in Brooklyn. In the new year I'm going to try and run away from my comfort zone and just be more of risk-taker.
3. This is a challenge to myself. Every month I need to approach at leasts one stranger I think seems interesting, cool, shy, etc. and introduce myself and chat with them for a bit. There doesn't need to be anything romantic about this (although would be quite beneficial) but it's more practice for networking and might end up making me some new friends.
wHOO lot's of links today: here's another post, can definitely feel myself repeating some of these steps like mantras.
xx kels
THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR TUNING IN TO OUR COLLAB, and hopefully you've gained something from it, I know Rina and I have.
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