quick update: I've worked out 3 times since my last post on Jan 4th, 3 times in 5 days? Im proud of myself. And except for a lil sesh at Dark Horse, I've only eaten home cooked meals....on the road to success.
Melodrama aside, this will be no easy feat. I'm going to start with 5 strict rules that must be followed at all costs to conserve my funds.
1. Put 40% of your earnings or bi-weekly paycheques in a savings account.

2. Shopping is a privilege not a right.
Just because that dress looks SO cute on you doesn't mean you get to buy it. Just because your prof reamed you out in front of the class does not mean you get a session of retail therapy. Just because your friends are shopping does not mean you get to, too. It just doesn't. You need to earn the right to shop, not just gallivant about at your own free-will. Have some self-control woman! (this is a note to self) Treat yourself to a shopping spree if you raise your GPA by several points, buy that M.A.C lipstick if you got that internship you applied for, purchase that iPod classic if it's a special occasion. As long as you stop shopping for the sake of shopping, you will noticed a steady decline in the amount of money you're spending.
3. Prioritize your spending, what really needs to be purchased?
School textbooks are more important than buying a record player, just as paying for a metro pass is more immediate and necessary than a new waterproof-shockproof-desertproof-childproof-lifeproof phone case. What ever your "fixed" expenses are do not sacrifice them for flexible expenses. Buy what's necessary than see how much money is left over. Honestly, just doing this will go a looooong way.
evidence... for so many terrors
4. DO NOT GET A CREDIT CARD. (until you're 57)

5. Keep a DETAILED record of spending.
This is colossally important. Separate your record/budget any logical way you deem fit, I'm going to organise mine by day and write my purchases directly into a little notebook I will keep with me always.
extra tidbits:
Don't just put money into a savings account and then go two days later and take money out of that account because you really want something... like a jacket at Zara or tickets for Lady Gaga. (I am guilty of both.....oops.)
STOP SPENDING MONEY ON STUPID SHIT!!! (this is another note to self)
keep tabs on how much you're spending and reign yourself in if you're getting crazy......
then maybe one day we can carry around louis v. satchels full of hunnids.... but until then, manage your money AND look for the next post by my gal rinzo (Rina's blog) coming soon!
xx kels
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